A healthy website is one that is always updated. The following WordPress plugins released new versions September-December 2022. Here are the latest plugin updates and news for September-December 2022.
Attention InstaGo users! We released an update in early September. InstaGo 1.1.2 is a bug-fix release that addresses an update process and PHP/JavasScript errors.
Also in September, BuddyPages Version 1.2.3 was released. This included a fix around loading of translations for internationalized websites.
Custom Post Type UI
Two versions of Custom Post Type UI (CPTUI) were released in September: 1.13.0 and 1.13.1. Under the hood is some code restructuring. Additionally, there are multiple fixes to the Post Type description field around HTML handling and JSON data.
However, early in December, CPTUI 1.13.2 was released. This latest version removes the forcing of underscores in taxonomy slugs, making it easier to optimize taxonomies for SEO purposes.
NEW UPDATE (December 15, 2022): CPTUI 1.13.3 has been released with PHP8 compatibility fixes as well as third-party taxonomy filters added.
NEW UPDATE (December 16, 2022): CPTUI 1.13.4 has been released. It is a bug fix release.
CPTUI hit another milestone in October by surpassing 12 million all-time downloads!
Custom Post Type UI Extended
Custom Post Type UI Extended 1.11.0 was released in late September. Improvements include a complete migration of all layouts to blocks and Twenty Twenty-Two compatibility. Please view the changelog on the Custom Post Type UI Extended Changelog page.
In October, CPTUI Extended released Version 1.11.1. It features a focus on user experience in our Gutenberg block.
WP Search with Algolia
Version 2.3.1 was released in November. This is just a minor update to fix an immediate bug that was introduced in the previous release.